Western Boone Jr-Sr High School
By Jeremy Dexter | May 20, 2024 12:24 PM

FinalForms will rollover to the 2024-25 school year on Friday, June 7th. You must register your student-athletes for the 2024-25 school year on FinalForms, manage their sports, upload a new athletic physical dated after April 1, 2024, and sign off on the new student athletic handbook, waivers, etc. To receive communications from coaches throughout the summer and for the 2024-25 school year through FinalForms, this registration process must be completed. See detailed information about 2024-25 FinalForms athletic registration and athletic physicals below and attached. Athletic Physicals: All students (grades 5-12) participating in athletics in 2024-25 must have a new athletic physical completed and on file in FinalForms and in the athletic office prior to participating in their first official practice/tryout of the 2024-25 school year. The new physical must be completed after April 1, 2024. Note: Last school years' 2023-24 Athletic Physical cover's athlete participation in Summer 2024 activities. The athletic office must have a copy of the Physical Examination page (pg. 3) with a doctor or practitioners’ signature at the bottom. There are a couple (all electronic) ways that you may turn this page of the athletic physical into the athletic office. • PREFERED METHOD: Scan and upload them to your student's FinalForms account. • Scan and email them to jennifer.bayles@webo.k12.in.us Note: The athletic office will be closed for the summer after May 29, 2024. Physicals that are uploaded or scanned/emailed after May 29, 2024, will NOT be processed until July 29, 2024. This means that your athlete may still show up as "Red' in FinalForms if you turn your athletic physical in prior to July 29, 2024. The athletic office will process athletic physicals that we have received over the summer and turn athletes "green" by July 29, 2024. FinalForms must be updated for the 2024-25 school year. Please follow the directions in the attached link.